Reputation Override

Using the Carbon Black Cloud SDK, you can manage your ReputationOverrides to create a list of approved or banned applications using a SHA-256 hash, a certificate signer, or a path to a known IT tool application

Creating a Reputation Override

Using the ReputationOverride model, you can create new overrides directly provided you have the necessary required properties. For a SHA256 you need the hash and optionally the filename, IT_TOOL needs a file path with or without wildcards and optionally an indicator for including the child processes, CERT needs the signer of the application and optionally the certificate authority. See the developer documentation for more details.

>>> from cbc_sdk import CBCloudAPI
>>> cb = CBCloudAPI(profile='sample')
>>> from cbc_sdk.platform import ReputationOverride
>>> ReputationOverride.create(cb, {
...   "description": "An override for a sha256 hash",
...   "override_list": "BLACK_LIST",
...   "override_type": "SHA256",
...   "sha256_hash": "af62e6b3d475879c4234fe7bd8ba67ff6544ce6510131a069aaac75aa92aee7a",
...   "filename": "foo.exe"
... })
<cbc_sdk.platform.reputation.ReputationOverride: id 83008db065a611eb9a953907c2e1ed66> @
>>> ReputationOverride.create(cb, {
...   "description": "An override for an IT Tool",
...   "override_list": "WHITE_LIST",
...   "override_type": "IT_TOOL",
...   "path": "C://tools//*.exe",
...   "include_child_processes": True
... })
<cbc_sdk.platform.reputation.ReputationOverride: id 9e5c7a2f5ef140a989550c2351de1a32> @
>>> ReputationOverride.create(cb, {
...   "description": "An override for a CERT",
...   "override_list": "WHITE_LIST",
...   "override_type": "CERT",
...   "signed_by": "VMware Inc.",
...   "certificate_authority": "VMware"
... })
<cbc_sdk.platform.reputation.ReputationOverride: id 1768b71d356744498eec5ecd6526ca10> @

If you have an EnrichedEvent or Process object then you can use either ban_process_sha256 or approve_process_sha256 to add the applications sha256 hash to either the WHITE_LIST or BLACK_LIST.

>>> from cbc_sdk import CBCloudAPI
>>> cb = CBCloudAPI(profile='sample')
>>> from cbc_sdk.platform import Process
>>> proc =, "ABCD1234-00348f83-0000015c-00000000-1d667eb58a2ec94")
>>> proc.approve_process_sha256("Example approved sha256 from Process")
<cbc_sdk.platform.reputation.ReputationOverride: id 829e252b65aa11ebb1c7a965f279498c> @

Retrieving existing Reputation Overrides

Using a query of the ReputationOverride object, you can see the reputation overrides that have been created within your organization. If you want to filter the results try including set_override_list or set_override_type in your query or include a more restrictive where claus which can include wildcards such as *tools*.

>>> from cbc_sdk import CBCloudAPI
>>> cb = CBCloudAPI(profile='sample')
>>> from cbc_sdk.platform import ReputationOverride
>>> overrides ="1")
>>> for override in overrides:
...   print(override)

         create_time: 2021-02-02T22:32:20.176Z
          created_by: ABCDE12345
         description: An override for an IT Tool
                  id: 83008db065a611eb9a953907c2e1ed66
include_child_processes: True
       override_list: WHITE_LIST
       override_type: IT_TOOL
                path: C://tools//*.exe

If you already have an id for a ReputationOverride then you can make a query including the id as seen below.

>>> override =, 83008db065a611eb9a953907c2e1ed66)
>>> print(override)

         create_time: 2021-02-02T22:32:20.176Z
          created_by: ABCDE12345
         description: An override for an IT Tool
                  id: 83008db065a611eb9a953907c2e1ed66
include_child_processes: True
       override_list: WHITE_LIST
       override_type: IT_TOOL
                path: C://tools//*.exe

Deleting a Reputation Override

If you no longer need a ReputationOverride then you can delete the override using delete() or bulk_delete([]) if you have a few that need deleted at once.

>>> from cbc_sdk import CBCloudAPI
>>> cb = CBCloudAPI(profile='sample')
>>> from cbc_sdk.platform import ReputationOverride
>>> override =, 83008db065a611eb9a953907c2e1ed66)
>>> override.delete()
>>> ReputationOverride.bulk_delete([
...   "9e5c7a2f5ef140a989550c2351de1a32",
...   "1768b71d356744498eec5ecd6526ca10"
... ])