Compliance Benchmarks

CIS benchmarks are configuration guidelines published by the Center for Internet Security. The CIS Benchmark enable configuration and retrieval of Benchmark Sets and Rules in Carbon Black Cloud, and retrieval of the results from scans performed using these Rules.

For more information on CIS Benchmarks, see the Center for Internet Security. CIS benchmarks contain over 100 configuration guidelines created by a global community of cybersecurity experts to safeguard various systems against attacks targeting configuration vulnerabilities.

You can use all the operations shown in the API, such as retrieving, filtering, reaccessing and enabling/disabling the benchmark rules. You can locate the full list of operations and attributes in the ComplianceBenchmark() class.


Retrieve Compliance Benchmarks

By using the following the example, you can retrieve the list of supported benchmarks

>>> from cbc_sdk import CBCloudAPI
>>> from cbc_sdk.workload import ComplianceBenchmark
>>> api = CBCloudAPI(profile='sample')
>>> benchmark_query =
>>> for benchmark in benchmark_query:
>>>     print(benchmark)
ComplianceBenchmark object, bound to

        bundle_name: CIS Compliance - Microsoft Windows Server
        create_time: 2023-03-20T13:44:10.923039Z
            enabled: True
                id: b7d1b266-d899-4e28-bae6-7619019447ba
                name: CIS Windows Server Retail application Prod
            os_family: WINDOWS_SERVER
        release_time: 2023-07-10T13:55:59.274881Z
    supported_os_info: [list:5 items]:
                    [0]: {'os_metadata_id': '1', 'os_type': 'WINDOWS', '...
                    [1]: {'os_metadata_id': '2', 'os_type': 'WINDOWS', '...
                    [2]: {'os_metadata_id': '3', 'os_type': 'WINDOWS', '...
                type: Custom
        update_time: 2024-04-15T21:24:43.283032Z

Modify Compliance Benchmarks Schedule

By using the following the example, you can get and set the benchmark assessment schedule

>>> from cbc_sdk import CBCloudAPI
>>> from cbc_sdk.workload import ComplianceBenchmark
>>> api = CBCloudAPI(profile='sample')
>>> ComplianceBenchmark.set_compliance_schedule(api, "RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;BYHOUR=17;BYMINUTE=30;BYSECOND=0", "UTC")
>>> schedule = ComplianceBenchmark.get_compliance_schedule(api)
>>> print(schedule)
    "scan_timezone": "UTC"

Reassess Compliance Benchmarks

By using the following the example, you can reasses a benchmark

>>> from cbc_sdk import CBCloudAPI
>>> from cbc_sdk.workload import ComplianceBenchmark
>>> api = CBCloudAPI(profile='sample')
>>> benchmark =
>>> # Execute for all devices matching benchmark
>>> benchmark.execute_action("REASSESS")
>>> # Execute for a specific set of devices
>>> benchmark.execute_action("REASSESS", [ 1, 2, 3 ])

Device Compliance Summary

By using the following the example, you can fetch the compliance percentage for each device assessed by the Compliance Benchmark

>>> from cbc_sdk import CBCloudAPI
>>> from cbc_sdk.workload import ComplianceBenchmark
>>> api = CBCloudAPI(profile='sample')
>>> benchmark =
>>> summaries = benchmark.get_device_compliances()
>>> print(summaries[0])
    "device_id": 39074613,
    "device_name": "Example\\Win2022",
    "os_version": "Windows Server 2022 x64",
    "compliance_percentage": 93,
    "last_assess_time": "2024-04-16T00:00:00.014765Z",
    "excluded_on": None,
    "excluded_by": None,
    "reason": None,
    "deployment_type": "WORKLOAD"