This document will provide information about how to run the functional tests for the CBC Python SDK in Linux and Windows platforms.
These instructions assume you already have the CBC SDK sources present locally. If not, they can be checked out from GitHub using the URL https://github.com/carbonblack/carbon-black-cloud-sdk-python; doing so will require you to either have Git installed or download the source tree packed as a zip archive from GitHub and then unarchive it.
Running the tests on Microsoft Windows
Install Python
From http://python.org, download the installer for the most recent Python 3.8 version (as of this writing, version 3.8.6 is the latest).
Fix the Execution PATH
Go to the Environment Variables dialog (System Control Panel or Properties page for My Computer/This PC, then select Advanced system settings and then the Environment Variables button). Ensure that the first two components of the user PATH environment variable are %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38 and %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38\Scripts.
To test this, open a command window and use the command:
python --version
It should run Python and show that you are running Python 3.8.
Install CBC Python SDK Requirements
From the top-level CBC SDK source directory, execute the following commands:
pip install -r requirements.txt
This will ensure that all required python modules are installed.
Execute the Functional Tests
From the top-level CBC SDK source directory, execute the following command:
The tests should return that they all completed successfully.
Running the tests on Linux
Carbon Black Cloud Python SDK provides a number of Dockerfiles inside the docker folder of the source root. Those contain the necessary instructions to build docker images containing a number of distributions with CBC Python SDK preinstalled in /app directory (relative to image root).
Build the docker image
Currently the following Dockerfiles are available:
docker/amazon/Dockerfile - Amazon Linux (latest) image
docker/ubuntu/Dockerfile - Ubuntu 18.04 image
docker/rhel/Dockerfile - RHEL8 UBI image
docker/suse/Dockerfile - OpenSUSE Leap (latest) image
Building the images should be done from the CBC SDK root directory by explicitly providing the path to the Dockerfile to be built, e.g for the RHEL one, the build command would be:
docker build -t cbc-sdk-python=rhel -f docker/rhel/Dockerfile .
By default, the docker Unix socket is owned by root user / docker group. In case you are running the build as a non-root user that isn’t member of docker group, sudo should be used:
sudo docker build -t cbc-sdk-python-rhel -f docker/rhel/Dockerfile .
Run the container and execute the test
When the docker image builds, it should be started, e.g:
docker run -it cbc-sdk-python-rhel
This will run the container and spawn an interactive shell running in it. CBC Python SDK is installed in the /app directory, so pytest needs to be executed from there:
cd /app && pytest